Devatma Saraswati

Devatma Saraswati has been devoted to spiritual exploration and transformation since the age of 17, following a profound spiritual awakening that set him on the path of deep inner discovery.

At 24, his Kundalini Shakti was awakened through Shaktipat initiation by his Siddha guru (Swami “Gurumayi” Chidvilasananda), which was an experience that propelled him into extended journeys across India and Southeast Asia.

During these travels, Devatma studied with several great masters, immersing himself in the esoteric teachings of Yoga, Tantra, Vedanta, Taoism, and Theravada Buddhism.

He had the honor of living and studying under Swami Satyananda Saraswati at his ashram in Rikhia, India, where he was initiated into Yoga.

Devatma has since become a global teacher, sharing these transformative practices through his YouTube channel, which has reached over 15 million viewers.

Driven by his deep connection to spiritual teachings, Devatma founded Sri Mantra, an online school dedicated to sharing the wisdom passed down to him by his generous gurus.

Through Sri Mantra, he continues to guide students on their own spiritual journeys, offering them the tools to awaken their inner potential and experience profound personal healing from chronic stress, trauma and psychosomatic illnesses.

Guru Lineage


Kashmiri Shaivism

Devatma Saraswati was first initiated into Shaivism by Swami “Gurumayi” Chidvilasananda in 2006, she is a modern spiritual teacher who inspires seekers worldwide with her teachings on meditation and self-realization. The center emphasis of her message is on the spiritual love and bliss residing within the Heart. Her guru, Paramhansa “Baba” Muktananda, was a renowned Siddha master who emphasized awakening the inner spiritual energy through the guru’s grace in an initiation called ‘shaktipat’. His guru, Bhagavan Nityananda, was a revered mystic saint known for his profound silence and immense spiritual power.


Yoga Vidya

Devatma was initiated into Yoga by Paramahamsa Niranjanananda Saraswati in 2009, and given his spiritual name by Swami “Satsangi” Satyasangananda Saraswati. Paramahamsa Niranjanananda Saraswati is the spiritual successor of the Bihar School of Yoga, guiding students in yoga and spiritual practices across the world. His guru, Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati, founded the Bihar School of Yoga, was the originator of Yoga Nidra, and was instrumental in spreading the teachings of yoga ‘from shore to shore and door to door’. His guru was the renowned saint, Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, whom was one of the most influential spiritual leaders of the 20th century, known for his universal message of selfless service, love, and meditation.