Shaktipat Initiation & Name Giving Ceremony

Shaktipat Initiation & Name Giving Ceremony

Dates: October 7th and 8th, 2024.




Awaken Your Inner Power Through an Ancient Tantric Initiation Ceremony

There comes a time in one’s spiritual journey when the call of the divine becomes undeniable—a sacred moment when the inner longing for transformation is met with the blessing of initiation.


This is the ancient path of Shaktipat, the direct transmission of Kundalini energy from Guru to disciple, awakening the latent spiritual potential within you.


In this sacred ceremony, you will receive diksha (initiation) through the grace of the Guru, following the ancient lineage of Kashmiri Shaivism.


Through this direct transmission, the sleeping Kundalini Shakti, your inherent spiritual energy, is gently awakened. Once stirred, it brings a profound rebirth—a renewed sense of purpose and the experience of intoxicating waves of bliss (spandan) erupting from the heart. This spandan is the experience of profound ecstasy and causal self-born spiritual bliss, allowing you to feel the fruits of spiritual life right from the start, rather than needing to wait decades or perhaps lifetimes. This is the power of Kundalini Shaktipat and the Guru’s grace, delivering the gift of spiritual awakening in its fullest sense.


The Power of a Personal Mantra


At the heart of this initiation, you will be given your own personal mantra—a powerful vibration that has been passed down through centuries, infused with the blessings of countless saints and sages. This mantra is not merely a set of words, but a key to unlocking the divine within.


Each time you chant it, the energy of your Kundalini Shakti will be amplified, awakening the dormant centers of energy within your body. It is through this mantra that you will cultivate the presence of the divine in your life and journey toward ultimate realization.


The Safest Path to Awakening Kundalini


The awakening of Kundalini is a delicate and powerful process, and through the guidance of the Guru, this journey becomes both safe and supported. Shaktipat, as given by the Guru, is the surest and most protected way to awaken this divine energy.


With the Guru’s grace, the awakening happens naturally, opening your heart chakra and allowing you to experience ananda—a blissful outpouring of love and joy from deep within.


This flow of bliss will fill your heart, touching every aspect of your being and radiating outward into the world.


Guidance Through Every Step


Following the initiation, you will be welcomed into a sacred WhatsApp group exclusively for initiates—an intimate and supportive community where you will receive ongoing guidance on your spiritual discipline.


Here, you will be given personalized practices and instructions on how to unfold the Shakti through each of your chakras.

Whether you are just beginning your spiritual path or are already well-versed in yogic practices, this guidance will be tailored to your needs, helping you deepen your connection with the divine energy within.


Your Spiritual Name—A Tool for Continued Inspiration


As part of this transformative process, you will also be given a spiritual name—one that is based on your birth chart and unique spiritual potential.


This name is more than just a symbol; it is a reminder of your divine purpose and the qualities that will guide you on your journey. Every time you hear or use your spiritual name, you will be reminded of the immense spiritual potential within you, inspiring you to walk the path of truth with confidence and grace.


The Tradition of Dakshina


In keeping with the sacred traditions of initiation, this ceremony is offered on a donation basis, known as dakshina. Traditionally diksha (initiation) is given freely, in the spirit of unconditional love and service. After receiving the initiation and feeling the blessing of this sacred transmission, you are invited to give a donation from your heart—a gesture of gratitude and reciprocity that honors the ancient lineage and ensures that this sacred knowledge continues to bless others.


This path is not merely a course or a teaching—it is a living tradition, passed down through centuries from Guru to disciple. It is an opportunity to step into the flow of grace, awakening your true potential and aligning yourself with the highest purpose of your life.




Dates: October 7-8th, 2024


Time (By City):

Los Angeles: 9:00AM
Boulder: 10:00AM
New York: 12:00PM
London: 5:00PM
Amsterdam: 6:00PM
Dubai: 8:00PM
New Delhi: 9:30PM

Suggested Donation: $108


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